March 4, 2012

Step two: Pre-validation of your business idea

At this stage you need to sum up your business idea from the information you collected during the step one.

In my case here is a much more specific description of my project:

Project: Create a web based company to which will operate as a virtual incubator to help entrepreneurs to successfully market  their products and services.

Customer: Business (1-20 employees) offering new products and services which  improve the efficiency of a business. We will focus on the following sectors: Web 3.0, Cloud computing, online education, social Apps, software etc.

Market: All entrepreneurs looking for solutions to improve the efficiency of their business at various levels.

Business model:

Step 1- Select a startup that offers a product or service value-added
Step 2- Validation about the product or service from a network of startup experts  connected to the virtual incubator.
Changing and improving the product or service from the information obtained during validation
Step 3- Modifying the product or service from the information obtained during the validation process
Step 4- Web promotion the product or service through the network of entrepreneurs related to the virtual incubator.
Step 5- Follow Up to ensure the success of our customer (startup)

To realize my pre-evaluaiton I need your expertise as entrepreneur to answer my survey of 10 multiple choice : Click here

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