February 25, 2012

There's a process you need to carry out that essentially determines either your success or failure in business. During the next few weeks I will walk through a number of easy steps to find out and verify if my business idea has the potential I really expect. These steps are important for any business idea and determine the feasibility of my project step by step. 

Step one: Find out a business idea:

It takes so much time and effort to develop a business that you absolutely must spend in an area that fascinates you.

My passion:
In my case I am over 10 years of expertise and I'm really passionate to help entrepreneurs to build their businesses successfully and avoid basic mistakes. I already know that my market will consist of entrepreneur who wants to successfully develop their business idea.

My experience shows that the main cause of failure in business is because most new entrepreneurs do not take enough time to validate their ideas before investing time and money.

To remedy this problem I will create an online service that will validate a business idea with the help of a community of experts.

Describe the idea on a sheet of paper:
Now is time to take a sheet of paper and a pencil and begin to describe your business idea as best you can. Be aware that during the overall process the description will improve and become increasingly clear.

Description of my business idea:
Creating a community of expert who give their opinion on the potential of a business idea.

Service: The entrepreneurs can submit and share online their business idea with a community of expert in order to get feedback to know whether the idea is interesting, meets a real need and if this type of service already exists.

Objective: Allow new entrepreneurs to get for free and quickly a validation of their business idea. Enable entrepreneurs to obtain critical information to the success of their business idea before investing time and money in their project.

Find out basic information about it:
* During my years of experience I realized that if an entrepreneur hesitate to share his business idea (by fear of being copied) usually that mean it’s a bad idea which is not enough innovative to be successful.

Before going further in the coming days I will try to get input on the potential of this idea with entrepreneurs and experts. If I feel that the idea is interesting, I will proceed to the next step that you will find in my next post. I appreciate getting your opinion on the simple idea of ​​basic business I just described.  

Thanks for sharing your opinion


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