April 28, 2012

+1'd on www.neowin.net

+1'd on www.neowin.net

Skype is apparently having a little bit of fun this week by launching an new app on Facebook. The recently acquired division of Microsoft has launched the Humoticon app which serves both as a new way to express oneself on Facebook as well as introducing people to Skype.
The app puts a new and entertaining twist on the classic Internet emoticons that nearly everyone uses. It works by placing a picture of a human face inside a circle instead of some mere keyboard symbols. Users can either upload a previously taken picture to be placed inside the circle or use a webcam to take a live picture. It even allows people to take five quick pictures from a webcam to create a more animated look to your image.
After the image is uploaded to the app, the new Humoticon can be shared on your Facebook wall or posted on the Humoticon gallery.
This new Facebook app is apparently all part of Skype and Microsoft's recently launched new marketing campaign that includes real world billboards as well as a social networking element. Ironically, the campaign takes some jabs at Facebook with one billboard stating, "Upgrade from a wall post to a first class conversation."

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